Message from the President and CEO
Atty. Anthony Charlemagne C. Yu
The world has come to a trying time. We, at Empire East, are one with the Filipino nation in combatting this pandemic by ensuring that our communities strictly adhere to government directives to curb the spread of the virus. We monitor not only the residents of our condominiums and subdivisions, but also the conditions of our own employees and sales partners.

Let me take this time to let you know—to anyone battling the disease and to all our frontliners—you are in our thoughts and prayers. While we firmly believe that faith moves mountains, it is through this time that we saw first-hand how a COMMUNITY IN ACTION moves twice as fast as a weapon to keep our spirits up amid our fight against this health threat.

We have witnessed that instead of fear, our neighborhoods have chosen more proactive measures in spreading love, providing help and sharing encouragement within their own communities. These inspiring stories have moved us to complement their initiatives through various outreach efforts we are launching under Empire East Cares.

To our valued homebuyers, we have arranged a work-from-home set-up among our key employees so that your concerns will be addressed accordingly. We seek your kind understanding should there be a lead time difference compared to our usual full operations, but rest assured that you will be attended to. Please reach us through and we will do our best to accommodate you soonest.

This current crisis reminds us of deadlier storms we have broken through in the past. Today, we are driven with the same spirit of bold actions to overcome this together with you. Strengthened by UNITY, we urge you to do an ACTION with us:

Affirm the practice of safety measures
Create and spread positivity online
Trust and follow the authorities
Influence people to do their part
Open our communication lines
Nurture our neighbors

As one COMMUNITY IN ACTION, we will overcome this.